why do broken bones hurt when it rains

Do Bones Hurt - Ask.com.
Do your formerly broken bones ache? « Hellobee Boards.
I'm a 17 year old female, I've never broken/sprain…. any of my bones, but I noticed my bones & joints ache whenever it rains.. body forward and to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do.
why do broken bones hurt when it rains
Bones ache? It's probably going to rain - Sun Sentinel.Why Does Rain Cause Joint Pain? | eHow.
My bones hurt when it rains? - Yahoo! Answers.
Dec 31, 2006. However, I maintain that broken bones ache when it rains. I haven't. My point is this: do your bones ache in funny weather? Do you have old.
Your bones may hurt due to a disease resulting to damage to the nerves, soft tissues or bones themselves.. Why Do Broken Bones Hurt When It Rains?
Apr 26, 2010. Do grandma's arthritic knees really ache worse when cold, wet weather is on. I told him my knees hurt so it was probably gonna rain. ... I broke my collar bone three years ago and just last year it stopes hurting with storms

Why do old broken bones and old spranes hurt when the weather changes? so for some people, a pain in an old joint can warn of rain or other bad weather.
Why do some people's bones hurt before it rains? - Page 4 1 Dec 2009 The barometric pressure drops preceding bad weather. Myself, with numerous broken.
Why do some people's bones hurt before it rains? - Page 3.
It makes sense that evolutionarily bone fractures _should_ hurt, but I. When the bone is broken, substance P helps trigger bone re-growth.
Why do some people's bones hurt before it rains? - Page 2.